Every day, thousands of semi-trucks, tractor-trailers and 18-wheelers travel on U.S. roadways. These massive trucks are heavy, especially compared to cars and other non-commercial vehicles on the road. Commercial trucks also have much less maneuverability and slower traffic response times. When there is a collision involving a vehicle of this size, those involved may be severely injured or killed.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a truck accident, you need the advocacy of an experienced New York truck accident lawyer to protect your interest. Bonina & Bonina, P.C.‘s truck accident lawyers, are here to help! Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Help?

Truck accidents often involve life-altering and even fatal injuries. Victims can incur thousands of dollars in medical and rehabilitative bills, and property damage, and have lost wages and time at work. Unfortunately, insurance companies are focused on saving money, not compensating truck accident victims for their damages.

How can a truck accident lawyer help? A truck accident lawyer knows how to gather, prepare, and present the necessary evidence to support a victim’s claim for damages. In addition, a truck accident lawyer understands how insurance companies work and knows how to fight for victims during every stage of the claim process. At Bonina & Bonina, P.C., we have decades of experience representing truck accident victims. As a result, we know what to do help you interact with the insurance company and get the damages you need for your injuries and expenses.

Have you or a loved one been injured in a New York truck accident? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your personal injury damages. However, you need the advocacy of an experienced truck accident lawyer to help you to get the compensation you need and deserve. We know how to deal with the insurance company and other parties and are here for you! Contact one of the knowledgeable auto accident lawyers of Bonina & Bonina, P.C., today to schedule a free consultation.

Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can result in significant harm, and determining the cause is essential to establishing a claim for damages. Under most circumstances, the collision will need to be investigated to determine what happened and who is to blame. Once the truck accident evidence is gathered and evaluated, it may show that there are multiple responsible parties. Some of those responsible for a truck accident may include:

The Truck Driver—truck accidents may be due to a driver’s negligence in operating and maintaining their rig or vehicle. A driver must also take steps to ensure that their vehicle’s cargo is properly and safely secured. If shifting or loose cargo causes an accident, the driver may be responsible.

The Vehicle Manufacturer—sometimes, truck accidents are not due to driver negligence. Instead, a collision may occur because of a manufacturing defect. This may lead to issues such as faulty brakes, steering malfunction, or defective tires. When a truck fails to operate safely because of a design or manufacturing flaw, the maker of the vehicle or part may be liable.

The Trucking Company—trucking companies are responsible for ensuring that drivers are properly trained and safe to operate their vehicles. If a trucking company fails to conduct due diligence on a driver or verify their training, it may bear some responsibility for the driver’s negligent acts.

Cargo Shipper and Loader—Trucking accidents can occur when a vehicle’s cargo is not properly secured. When a company contracts to ship cargo, the entity may be responsible for loading the cargo onto the trucks properly. Therefore, the loading company may have some liability if a trucking accident is caused by cargo shifting or coming loose.

Establishing liability for a New York truck accident is crucial for a personal injury claim. You need the help of an experienced truck accident lawyer to properly investigate your truck accident and determine who is responsible for your damages.

We know what it takes to identify the responsible parties and hold them accountable. At Bonina & Bonina, P.C., our truck accident lawyers have been fighting for New York accident victims for over 50 years. Call us today to schedule an appointment to meet with a truck accident lawyer. We are ready to help you with your case!

Types of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can occur in various ways. Some common types of New York truck accidents include:

  • Careless Lane Change Accidents
  • Wide Turn Accidents
  • Jackknife Accidents
  • Rollover Accidents
  • Cargo-Related Accidents
  • Loss of Control Accidents
  • Misjudged Height Accidents
  • Distracted Driving Trucking Accidents

Types of Auto Accident Injuries

When a person is involved in a New York truck accident, they can suffer numerous types of injuries, such as:

Truck accident injuries may last for years and even cause permanent damage. Someone harmed in this type of collision may need medical and rehabilitative care for life. There can also be expenses for adaptive equipment, in-home living and medical services. Further, truck accident victims may never be able to return to daily life as they did before the accident.


A truck accident can have life-changing consequences for the victim and their loved ones. At Bonina & Bonina, P.C., we know what you and your loved ones are going through and are here to help! Our diligent truck accident lawyers are ready to investigate and gather the evidence you need to prove your case.

What are Truck Accident Damages?

If you have been involved in a truck accident in New York, you may be entitled to compensation for your economic and non-economic damages. In addition, under certain circumstances, an injured party may also be entitled to payment for punitive damages.

Economic damages are those meant to compensate a truck accident victim for financial losses. These types of truck accident damages may include payment for expenses such as:

  • Hospital and Doctor bills
  • Medical Tests, Scans, and X-Rays
  • Prescription Drug Costs
  • Lost wages
  • Rehabilitative Care
  • Lost Time at Work
  • Property Damage
  • Assisted living Services and Nursing Care
  • Reduced Earning Capacity
  • Medical Equipment
  • Other Costs

Non-economic damages are costs connected to the victim’s emotional loss. These truck accident damages may include those associated with the following:

  • Pain and Suffering
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Emotional Distress
  • Disfigurement

Punitive damages are a category of damages that are reserved for more egregious cases. The purpose of these damages is to punish the responsible party and deter others from engaging in the same conduct.

Contact an Auto Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one have been involved in a New York truck accident, you should schedule a free consultation with an experienced truck accident lawyer at Bonina & Bonina, P.C.

Call us at 1-888-MEDLAW1 or contact us online for a free consultation with a truck accident lawyer. We have decades of experience helping clients harmed by truck accident negligence, and we can explain your options and help you decide what actions you should take. At Bonina & Bonina, P.C., we come to work every day believing that there should be equal justice for all. Se Habla espaňol. Home and hospital visits are available.