When parents send their kids to school, they have to trust that they are being cared for and educated in a secure environment. Educational institutions are responsible for adequately monitoring children as well as providing instruction. Unfortunately, there can be times when kids get hurt because there is negligent supervision at school or during school-related activities.
Negligent Supervision at School
Educational institutions have certain responsibilities to help ensure the safety and well-being of children in their care. When a child is injured, the entity may be negligent for failing to provide proper supervision or for failing to remedy an endangering condition.
Common Accidents and Injuries
Kids can be injured in educational settings in numerous ways. Some of the circumstances that may lead to school-related accidents include:
Sport and Athletic Program Injuries—When kids engage in physical and sports activities, they risk sustaining injuries. Institutions are responsible for providing a safe space and appropriate supervision to help prevent these types of injuries and accidents.
Student-Inflicted Injuries—Children can also be injured by their peers while at school. In some cases, students can cause serious harm to one another on premises or during school-related events. Student-inflicted injuries may be due to horseplay or, in more serious situations, peer-to-peer violence. An institution may be liable if it fails to adequately supervise or address an issue and a child is harmed.
Classroom Accident Injuries—Various injuries and accidents can occur in school classrooms. For instance, unsafe equipment or unstable furniture could harm a child. Further, a leaky air conditioner or spill could create a slip and fall risk for kids. There can also be dangerous items and equipment that kids could injure themselves with if they are not properly monitored by an adult.
Playground Accident Injuries—Playgrounds can also be a risky environment. When kids are playing on poorly maintained equipment, they could suffer injuries. There is also the possibility that a child could wander off if they are not being watched or hurt themselves when using equipment improperly.
Lunchroom Accidents and Injuries—Kids can be at risk in school lunchrooms. There is the potential for choking and student-inflicted harm in these settings. Without adequate supervision, kids can be seriously hurt.
School Crossing Injuries— Crossing guards are responsible for being present and aware when kids are coming to and leaving school. Children can be injured or even killed if the guard is not paying attention or properly monitoring the area.
What if My Child Was Injured Away from Grounds?
Generally, educational institutions must provide children with appropriate supervision while on-premises and under their care and control. However, a entity still has a responsibility to watch over them in other environments such as on school field trips and during off-campus events. The institution also has a responsibility to release kids from its care safely.
Can I Sue for my Child’s Injury?
If you believe your child was harmed due to school negligence, the first step is to contact an experienced school negligence attorney. Your lawyer can help you evaluate your case and determine if there are grounds to file suit against your child’s educational institution.
Contact an Experienced Negligence Attorney
If your child was harmed at school or while under the educational institution’s care, you should schedule a free consultation with the experienced negligence attorneys at Bonina & Bonina, PC. Our attorneys have experience litigating and mediating negligence personal injury cases and are here to help!
Call us at 1888-MEDLAW1 or contact us online for a free consultation. We have experience helping clients with negligence cases, and we can explain your options and help you decide what actions you should take. At Bonina & Bonina, PC, we come to work daily believing that there should be equal justice for all. Se Habla Espaňol. Home and hospital visits are available.