CDC Says More Than Half of Pregnancy-related Deaths are Preventable

According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than half of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States are preventable. The report notes that every year, 700 women die from pregnancy-related complications. About 1/3 of these deaths happen during pregnancy, 1/3 happen during childbirth, and 1/3 happen one week to one year after delivery. The CDC notes that 3 out of 5 of these deaths is preventable.

Quality Prenatal Care

Improvement in the quality of prenatal care available to women during pregnancy is essential to better outcomes. Prenatal care is important to the health of both the mother and the baby. Doctors and medical professionals who fail to properly treat a pregnant mother can cause serious injury. The improper diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and gestational diabetes, can be dangerous for a mother. Doctors should take the symptoms and complaints of their pregnant patients seriously and recognize issues that may signal serious complications. Women should also be properly educated about warning signs for pregnancy conditions and should feel comfortable communicating with their doctor.

Proper Care During Delivery 

Proper medical care during labor and delivery is also an important factor in improving outcomes for pregnant women. Women in labor should be properly monitored and cared for.  Doctors should recognize when complications arise during delivery and respond appropriately. Being aware of conditions such as hemorrhaging, blood clots, and heart problems are essential for providing adequate care. Hospitals should be equipped to deal with emergencies during labor and delivery. Doctors and hospitals who are negligent can lead to an increase in preventable deaths.

Postpartum Monitoring

After delivery, the majority of the focus of medical providers is on the baby. The health of the mother should not be ignored as complications can arise postpartum. Medical professionals should provide essential, quality care to postpartum mothers to ensure that they remain healthy. The mother should not be ignored just because she is no longer pregnant. Doctors should communicate with women about signs and symptoms to be aware of, and women should be encouraged to attend all follow-up appointments.

Contact a Trusted Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you or someone you love has sustained a pregnancy-related injury and you want to explore your legal options, you should have an experienced medical malpractice attorney evaluate your case. At Bonina & Bonina, P.C., we have over 50 years of experience helping women injured by medical malpractice. Contact us online or call us at 1-888-MEDLAW1 to schedule your free consultation. Home and hospital visits are available. Se habla español.