Cerebral Palsy is a brain injury that causes a number of different neurological problems. In many cases cerebral palsy is caused by medical errors in the delivery process.
Examples of medical negligence that can cause cerebral palsy include:
- A negligent decision by the doctor, such as a delay in ordering an emergency cesarean section or failing to recognize the need for a cesarean section;
- A failure to timely act by the medical staff, for example, a failure to detect the umbilical cord wrapped around a baby’s neck;
- Misuse of medical tools, such as forceps or vacuum extraction, can cause harm to the infant’s brain:
- Failure to read the fetal monitor strip correctly/failure to recognize fetal distress;
- Failure to manage/prevent prematurity;
- Trauma to the baby during birth.
Symptoms of cerebral palsy include loss of nerve and muscle functions in the arms and legs, difficulties with hearing, speech, and vision, difficulties with breathing, difficulties feeding, incontinence, developmental delays, seizures, and learning disabilities.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for cerebral palsy, and the damage to the brain is irreversible. There are treatments, however, including physical therapy, special education, and medications. Parents should seek immediate medical advice if they notice their child having difficulty with movement and speech.
Caring for a child with cerebral palsy is extraordinarily expensive. The cost of medical treatment, medical equipment, medications, physical and occupational therapy, home care, and rehabilitation vary depending on the severity of the condition. Thus, it is necessary to obtain the assistance of experienced and knowledgeable medical malpractice attorneys who can help assert and protect the rights of those afflicted with this severe and devastating condition.
The experienced and compassionate trial attorneys at Bonina and Bonina, P.C. have been representing children affected by birth injuries for over 50 years, and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for injured children. For a free consultation, contact us at 1-888-MedLaw1 or online.